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Nous avons trouvé 619 résultats pour votre recherche

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University Hospital Federations

… to the patient's bedside. 3 led by the Faculty of Health Sciences of Sorbonne University and APHP.Sorbonne Univeristé … The 3 FHU projects supported by the Faculty of Health Sciences IMProving Emergency Care (IMPEC): Improving …

  • Événement

Teach Yourself About Artificial Intelligence

… led by Philippe Esling, an associate professor in computer science at the Faculty of Science & Engineering and a researcher in AI at Ircam (a … led by Philippe Esling, an associate professor in computer science at the Faculty of Science & Engineering and a …

  • Actualité

Institutes and Initiatives Lead the Way for Transversal Doctoral Programs

… fuel transdisciplinary research between biology, computer science, mathematics and also the humanities and social sciences (SHS). Other programs, such as Digital Methods in Humanities and Social Sciences, are carried out by service units such as CERES. …

  • Article

The Governance Team

… Nathalie Drach-Temam has been a professor in computer science since 2004 at Pierre and Marie Curie University … in public debate and works to bring together the arts, sciences and humanities. This mobilizes the University's … commitment to the transition to open and participatory sciences, in terms of education, research, innovation and …

  • Article

Neuroscience track - NEURO

… Neuroscience track - NEURO The Master BIP-Neuroscience program … in the 2nd year (depending on previous training). The neurosciences are fundamentally interdisciplinary, and our … aimed at students from many different backgrounds -- life sciences, medical training, engineering, mathematicians, …

  • Actualité

"Quantum technologies are a research priority in France"

… institute in France, at the crossroads of physics, computer science, mathematics, the humanities and social sciences. What does the term “quantum information” cover? … Supported by Sorbonne University and the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, the QICS was created last January, …

  • Article

Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate, Engineering for Space Observations (MOCIS) course

… degree, such as Applied Mathematics, Mechanics or Earth Sciences, or a course of study such as engineering school, … for students applying for the MOCIS program from an Earth Sciences degree. This path also welcomes students from … degree, such as Applied Mathematics, Mechanics or Earth Sciences, or a course of study such as engineering school, …

  • Article

Discounts on open access publication fees

… collection (403 reviews) Prepaid by the BSU Go to page EDP Sciences Sciences 30 reviews Prepaid by the BSU Go to page Elsevier … collection (403 reviews) Prepaid by the BSU Go to page EDP Sciences Sciences 30 reviews Prepaid by the BSU Go to page …

  • Actualité

A New European Online Course on the Covid-19 Pandemic

… as well as for bachelor's degrees in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.  We hope to welcome nearly 250 … lectures in sociology, philosophy, geography, political science, psychology, gynecology, biochemistry and … statistics course by a mathematician from the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Sorbonne University. As for me, I …

  • Actualité

The Ocean and Our Future

… research community is to bring together marine and maritime sciences and the major economic and societal challenges of … of the desire to unite all actors in ocean and maritime sciences within the Sorbonne University Alliance. A few …