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Nous avons trouvé 62 résultats pour votre recherche

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Doctoral schools and research units

… PhD candidates, and validate each candidate’s individual academic plan. The Faculty’s scientific activities are … to supervise research (habilitations à diriger des recherches – HDR) delivered every year Research units JOINT …

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Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

… pour la santé (IPS) In many countries, and particularly in developed countries, we are witnessing a steady and … aux technologies de santé. L'enseignement et le travail en groupe d'étudiantes et étudiants issus de mondes différents … d'activités liés à l'instrumentation médicale, du secteur recherche et développement au secteur technico-commercial, …

  • Structure de recherche

Research Unit on Cardiovascular Diseases

… Médecine Research Unit on Cardiovascular Diseases The UMR … diseases. We are also member of the Fédération des Recherches Interdisciplinaires Pitié-Salpêtrière (FRIPS). …

  • Article

Scientific integrity delegation

… Scientific integrity delegation Scientific integrity covers all the rules, values … integrity concern  individual researchers, all research groups, support staff, and all facets of scientific … : OFIS , département du Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (cf. Code de la …

  • Presse

A better prognosis for the return to consciousness in intensive care patients

… a patient is admitted to intensive care because of a disorder of consciousness (DOC)—a coma, for example—establishing … reduce the uncertainty that precedes a medical decision, a group of clinician-researchers from the Brain Institute and … by the James S. McDonnell Foundation, the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM), UNIM, the Académie des Sciences' …

  • Actualité

The “Revolutionary Innovations” of Non-Programmed Research

… several members of the IPBS pointed out the need to develop interdisciplinary approaches. A conclusion shared by the strategic reflection group was set up, in parallel, by the Life Sciences … fields of research.   … biologie … science de la vie … recherche … The “Revolutionary Innovations” of …

  • Structure de recherche

CRG 33 : RIC

… Médecine CRG 33 : RIC Published on 19/03/2020 - Updated on 12/12/2023 CRG 33 Clinical Research Groups Contacts Raphaël Vialle Membres Organisation … +33 1 44 73 61 25 Tutelles Objets de recherche Éditions Revues en ligne Structures de recherche

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Partner companies

… ten laboratories shared with companies ranging from large groups such as Thales, Pierre Fabre, ESSILOR or SBM Company … or Fluorotechnique.    Sorbonne Université also includes 4 Carnot structures, out of the 40 or so accredited by … of businesses.  About a hundred people work in the research departments of Sorbonne Université and its faculties to …

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Knowledge transfer

… to both societal issues and the needs of industrial stakeholders.  Published on 8/12/2019 - Updated on 28/02/2024 … de création industrielle (ENSCI) and the Caisse des Dépôts group. The SATT Lutec website Quadrivium Ventures Sorbonne … licensing revenues 16 start-ups created (2016 and 2017) … recherche … partenariat … entreprises … Knowledge transfer …

  • Structure de recherche

Relations between the nervous system and the respiratory system

… Médecine Relations between the nervous system and the … +33 (0)1 42 16 77 52 Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale | INSERM Sorbonne Université Supervisory … Service de Pneumologie, Médecine Intensive et Réanimation Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière Bâtiment Éole 47-83 bd …