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Nous avons trouvé 616 résultats pour votre recherche

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Multidisciplinary institutes and initiatives

… society that do not fall within the remit of any particular science, Sorbonne University has set up various institutes. … to innovative projects combining humanities, social sciences and exact sciences. It enhances synergies between research, musical …

  • Article

The Sorbonne University Press

… Press highlights current research in the human and social sciences, engineering and medicine. Published on 7/12/2019 - … Press highlights current research in the human and social sciences, engineering and medicine. … The quality of the …

  • Article

Studies and university life committees

… and university life committees at the Faculty of Health Sciences: the commission for studies and university life … and university life committees at the Faculty of Health Sciences: the commission for studies and university life …

  • Article

Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

… at the interface between the world of engineering sciences and that of health. The course aims to train … Les cours proposés reflètent la forte intrication des sciences de l'ingénieur avec les problématiques de santé. …

  • Article

Master 2 courses in Integrative Biology and Physiology - Modeling & Data Analysis track

… to deliver multi-competence in biology/mathematics/computer science in order to train autonomous students in … network levels. Prerequisites A master 1 level in neurosciences or equivalent is required. Contact Régis Lambert … Prior academic studies in Biology, Medicine, or Neurosciences, at the M1 level. Contact Ann Lohof …

  • Événement

Apply Now for "Water & Patrimony" Research Chair

… international researchers in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) during the 2024-2025 academic year. Add to my … international researchers in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) during the 2024-2025 academic year. Apply … This research chair is focused on the humanities and social sciences (HSS) with a strong interdisciplinary and …

  • Article

Environmental Hydrology-Hydrogeology-Geochemistry course (HHGE)

… These disciplines include fundamental knowledge of water sciences, hydrology, hydrogeology, geophysics, … teaching, industry or administration in the environmental sciences, for the protection of natural resources. … These disciplines include fundamental knowledge of water sciences, hydrology, hydrogeology, geophysics, …

  • Actualité

Sorbonne University Moves Up in the QS World University Rankings

… especially in Engineering and Technology, and in Social Sciences and Management. Published on 11/04/2022 - Updated … places in Engineering & Technology, and 20 places in Social Sciences & Management. In Natural Sciences, our institution progressed to the rank of 14th (+8 …

  • Actualité

Wilson Savino: "Fiocruz and Sorbonne University have a solid past and a promising future."

… the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a major biomedical science institution. Recently, the president of Fiocruz, … Fiocruz is a research institution in the biomedical sciences, but not only that! It also encompasses an … jointly building a master's and doctoral program in health sciences with distinct components: biomedicine, public …

  • Article

Distributed Agents, Robotics, Operations Research, Interaction, Decision Making (ANDROIDE)

… to train specialists in ICST (Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies), enabling them to master the … Olivier Spanjaard - Secretaries   …