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Nous avons trouvé 55 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

When philosophy studies discourse on Charcot's disease

… The Conversation When philosophy studies discourse on Charcot's disease The … license. See here for the original article in French. … philosophie … maladie de charcot … fin de vie … sclérose latérale amyotrophique … philosophie des sciences … When philosophy studies discourse …

  • Actualité

A Decades-Long Partnership in Modern Philosophy at the Lecce Center

… International Partner A Decades-Long Partnership in Modern Philosophy at the Lecce Center At the invitation of the … long and fruitful collaboration between the historians of philosophy at Sorbonne University and the University of … Center of Cartesian Studies and the Italian historians of philosophy at Lecce has not ceased to show its fruitfulness. …

  • Actualité

"Our objective is to create a dialogue between medicine, biology, the humanities and social sciences"

… and social sciences" Claire Crignon, associate professor in philosophy. Published on 18/09/2020 - Updated on 8/10/2020 … of exchange between disciplines relating to the humanities (philosophy, literature, sociology, cultural anthropology, … master's degree in bio-medical humanities supported by the Philosophy department of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. …

  • Article

Université Laval

… and Université Laval have launched joint actions in Philosophy, paving the way forward for rich collaboration in … in France and Quebec David Lefebvre is Director of the Philosophy Department at Sorbonne University, and is working … with Université Laval to launch collaborative projects in Philosophy.  In March 2020, he participated in an initial …

  • Actualité

A new course on the ethical issues of AI

… ethical issues of AI Anouk Barberousse is a professor of philosophy of science at Sorbonne University. She is … sont ouvertes … Anouk Barberousse is a professor of philosophy of science at Sorbonne University. She is …

  • Événement

Hervé de Nédellec au 700e anniversaire de sa mort

… Université de Parme Iacopo Costa , membre de l’axe 3 - Philosophies et théologies antiques, médiévales et modernes … d’études sur les monothéismes (LEM), spécialiste de philosophie morale au Moyen Âge et directeur de recherches …

  • Portrait

Anne Fenoy

… 'My Thesis in 180 Seconds' jury prize. Passionate about the philosophy of medicine, she talks to us about her career and … classes, I completed a master's degree in the history of philosophy at Sorbonne University, specialising in the history of modern philosophy. I then did a master's in editorial consultancy …

  • Événement

The Earliest Latin Maimonides, the “Reasons for the Commandments,” and the Perfection of the Soul

… doctorants travaillant dans le domaine de l’histoire de la philosophie, de la métaphysique et de la philosophie de l’art. Le champ de recherches s’étend de la philosophie de l’Antiquité tardive et du haut Moyen-Âge …

  • Actualité

The Contemporary Relevance of Ancient Sciences

… units and the departments of History, Greek, Latin, Philosophy, History of Art and Archaeology. Our ambition … History, literature, art history, archaeology and philosophy are all part of the study of Antiquity. The way … the critical mind. … histoire … littérature … archéologie … philosophie … recherche … The Contemporary Relevance of …

  • Article

Schools and departments

… with musical techniques and practices.   Department of Philosophy At the Department of Philosophy, students will acquire an in-depth knowledge of the methods and traditions of the human science of philosophy, thanks to a wide range of approaches (history of …