Our portraits

Students, doctoral students, researchers, teacher-researchers, doctors, staff, alumni, they are the strength of Sorbonne University.

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Catherine Lubetzki

Professor of Neurology

Within 10 years, we hope to have treatments available for the progressive form of multiple sclerosis.

Jean-Philip Piquemal

Chemist and specialist in quantum computing

The goal of Qubit Pharmaceuticals is to treat people. We are trying to find outlets for our PhD students and to test on a large scale the technology we were developing in the theoretical chemistry laboratory.

Ludovic Petitdemange

The sky at your fingertips

Visual impairment and scientific research are not incompatible.

Ève Planeix

High-level synchronized swimmer and psychomotricity student

Participating in the Games at home, in front of the French public, is the Holy Grail of a career!

Lisa Barbelin

Archer and chemistry student

I’m incredibly keen to bring home a medal

Alice Recher

High-level fencer and art history student

Maintaining mental health during competition is at least as important as physical health.

Maëlys Richol

Engineering Sciences student and high-level boxer

Work and perseverance always pay off in the end.

Nathalie Ayi

Mathematician and podcaster

Mathematics trains the mind. It teaches us to reason logically and gives us weapons in a society overloaded with information. It makes us better citizens.

Fabiana Fotia

Administrative secretary at the University of Milan

I wanted to discover the organization of a foreign university, how it operates, and to exchange good practices with my French counterparts.

Kaspar Ravel

Digital artist and winner of the artist residency

Digital art is a vector to be current and critical