MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
Sorbonne University provides attractive support mechanisms to strengthen Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship projects and additional funding for projects having received the “Seal of Excellence” in its research units.
The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship projects
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship projects are funded by the European Commission, with the aim of developing the potential of young researchers, encouraging mobility as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral exchanges. The project is written by a Fellow candidate and their Supervisor in the host unit. Fellows must achieve international mobility and have less than 8 years of seniority in research.
- European Fellowships: With research institutions in the European Union or associated countries, for a period of 12 to 24 months. Secondments to another institution or company are encouraged.
- Global Fellowships: For projects with an outgoing period in a research institution outside the European Union or associated country of 12 to 24 months, and a return period in Europe
Projects are evaluated by at least three independent experts. The funding includes the fellow's salary with mobility bonuses and family expenses, as well as research and training expenses of 1,000 euros per month.
- The next call closing is HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF : 11 September 2024
- For more information on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship calls
Identify a host research unit
Consult the list of supervisors and the research themes for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship projects.
Send your request to this email to be put in contact with a supervisor or to identify a hosting team.
Master Class
Candidate fellows and supervisors are invited to a Master Class to train in setting up MSCA-PF projects and writing techniques.
The training takes place over two half-days, face-to-face or remotely, at the Cordeliers campus.
Candidates identified by AMI MSCA-PF @ASU can benefit from funding for their on-site visit during the Master Class.
Upcoming session : 18 -19 June 2024 - Registration form.
During the writing phase, the Research and Development Departments of the three faculties provide administrative monitoring of projects and support for writing (proofreading, elements concerning training, administrative information, etc.).
The Seal of Excellence program
MSCA-PF “European fellowship” projects submitted to Sorbonne University research units which have not been funded by the European Commission but have received the “Seal of Excellence” label (score above 85%) are eligible for a funding from Sorbonne University to carry out their project. The winning projects receive funding for their research costs and for the recruitment of the postdoc for 24 months according to the MSCA salary scales.
Funding is allocated as a priority to projects carried out by first-time researchers in European projects, and according to the criterion of the score obtained during the evaluation of their project by the European Commission. The winners undertake to carry out the research project as planned in the submitted proposal, and to submit a future ERC project in a research unit at Sorbonne University within three years.
Sorbonne University is the leading French university for MSCA funding, with more than €26 million in projects funded in these H2020 (2014-2020) and Horizon Europe (since 2021) calls.
A particular effort is being made to support MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships project leaders and to welcome young international researchers into the research units.