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Nous avons trouvé 90 résultats pour votre recherche

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Software Science and Technology (STL)

… Secretary Émilie AUGER +33 (0)1 44 27 53 80 Contact by email … The Software Science and Technology (STL) program …

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Mathematics: PDEs, modelling and numerics Master (ANEDP)

… Didier Smets Coordinator +33 1 44 27 62 24 Contact by email … The ANEDP Major's key topic is the theoretical and …

  • Portrait

Esther Demoulin

… E. D.: First of all, you should be on the lookout for the email from the Doctoral School announcing the opening of …

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Master of Computer Science

… of studies Emilie Auger Administrative Manager Contact by email … The Master of Computer Science offers a high level …

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M2 - Genetics and Epigenetics pathway

… Responsable pédagogique Pr. Laure Teysset Contact by email Secrétariat pédagogique Carine Joseph  Contact by email … Genetics studies the structure, expression, …

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Specific rules and principles

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Sorbonne Summer University - Cycles of courses program

… Cousin 75230 Paris Cedex 05 01 40 46 26 19 Contact by email Download Tableau niveau CECRL (GB) 2024.pdf - pdf - …

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Digital International Program (DIGIT)

… Head of the DIGIT program +33 1 44 27 53 94 Contact by email Marie Goux Pedagogic Secretary Liens utiles Study at …

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Master of Chemistry

… Case courrier 38 4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris Contact by email À lire aussi Formation Les journées portes ouvertes de …

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Multidisciplinary institutes and initiatives

… a leading site for the study of biological systems. Email i-Bio Director: Catherine Jessus Visit i-Bio’s website …