Nous avons trouvé 327 résultats pour votre recherche
A Day in the Life of a Sorbonne University Exchange Student: Nicolo Lovinello
… the end of each week can help me stay on top of things. One major highlight and one major challenge? For me the biggest challenge was developing …
Mission Bougainville: scientists and soldiers commit to marine biodiversity
… is still poorly understood, even though it contains the major part of marine biodiversity and regulates the ecology … that our planet is habitable. These organisms play a major role in our planet's delicate balance. An …
The PostGenAI@Paris cluster wins France’s “AI-Cluster” call: an ambitious academic project led by Sorbonne University
… PostGenAI@Paris cluster, led by Sorbonne University, is a major project that brings together academic institutions … Social, Economic and Environmental Council. Alongside its major academic partners, the PostGenAI@Paris cluster …
Julien Laurat
… beginning of the marathon” Hosted by Sorbonne University, a major asset for Welinq, the young company aims to accelerate … of this technology, but that can only be achieved through major work in start-ups." Autres portraits à découvrir Eleni …
Sorbonne University at the Times Higher Education Innovation & Impact Summit
… universities, including Sorbonne University, as well as major private and public sector companies met in Stockholm …
LERU Celebrates 20 Years of Mobilizing Research Universities
… Leiden from May 19 to 21, 2022. This event was marked by a major conference on an important societal theme: "How does …
Nathalie Drach-Temam Elected Vice-President of Udice
… together, making universities the pillars of tomorrow's major societal transformations." À lire aussi University The …
M2 - Cell Biology, Development, Cancer: from stem cells to organisms track
… and practical, and who are capable of tackling these major scientific questions in contemporary biology. The … student will perform an oral presentation about a recent major article in the field of cell biology. The aim is to … which is only accessible to students enrolled in the BMC major and is grouped by pathway (there is restricted access, …
Théo Bouloudani
… projec t that you presented. T. B.: Ecology being a major subject in our society, we wanted to work on a project … under discussion. We voted for the project which suited the majority and which seemed the most feasible with the means …
Commitments to open science
… brought together intensive research universities from nine major networks in major regions of the world. It was an opportunity to sign … of Research Universities is a group of several of Canada's major research universities. RU11 Japan : RU11 is a …