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Nous avons trouvé 416 résultats pour votre recherche

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International master in brain and mind sciences - DUAL MASTER

… In each year, students design their individual course of study by choosing taught modules and research … Students follow a curriculum that includes theoretical courses (chosen from topics in clinical neuroscience, …

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DPC (Learning while already working)

… on 22/11/2019 - Updated on 18/04/2024 Program Discover our courses Contact Votre … 27 82 83 Contact by email Visit our website … Discover our courses … DPC (Learning while already working) …

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Neuroscience track - NEURO

… part of this initiative. During the M1 year , because some course modules are shared with other non-Neuroscience … is almost exclusively in French. During the M2 year , many course modules are taught in English (those with the module … Project management Creativity First year 1st semester Courses L'All M1S1 courses are listed here .   First year …

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Master's Degree in Automation and Robotics

… signals. Organization The Master’s program offers two courses, Advanced Systems and Robotics (SAR) in agreement … in a common core degree. The second year offers specialized courses for both tracks with a choice of common teaching …

  • Actualité

How to Apply for a Master's Program at Sorbonne University

… possess a B2 or C1 level of French. The majority of courses at Sorbonne University are taught in French, so it’s … time.  More information For specific application deadlines, course structures and helpful contact details, it is best to …

  • Actualité

Learning anatomy through virtual reality

… with a scanner. We're used to working on paper-based courses and it's much harder to understand, except when we're on a training course and it's explained to us clearly what we're seeing. …

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Cessation or termination of doctoral training

… professional, study or personal project:  Taking other courses; Acquiring other experience in a professional … This caesura is not counted in the duration of the doctoral course.  Premature termination of doctoral training It may …

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Master's degree in Earth and planetary sciences, environment (STePE)

… in companies and local authorities. In addition to common courses enabling the development of cross-disciplinary skills, the disciplinary courses focus on the observation of objects at all scales in …

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Career development

… Training cycle: Professional future This cycle of courses has been designed to accompany doctoral candidates … to discover professions, business sectors or doctoral courses. They enable them to meet companies and PhDs working …

  • Actualité

A new partnership with India

… future campus aims to offer the entire spectrum of academic courses, such as: Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate courses, with the eventual aim of developing joint Master's …