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Nous avons trouvé 448 résultats pour votre recherche

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Master 1 courses in Physics - Paris Physics Master track

… in simple potential and in the harmonic oscillator. Contact Nicolas Rodriguez … of probability theory, Basics of quantum mechanics. Contact Nicolas Rodriguez … programming, some knowledge of Python would be useful. Contact Nicolas Rodriguez … potentials, equipartition theorem, Boltzmann factor). Contact Nicolas Rodriguez …

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M2 - International center for fundamental physics (ICFP) course

… to industry. Published on 8/12/2019 - Updated on 28/06/2024 Contact Responsable Jérôme BEUGNON Contact by email Contact administratif Évelyne Gilbert-Mongeot +33 (0)1 44 27 …

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Master courses in Molecular and Cell Biology

… questions pertaining to photsynthetic microorganisms. Contact Stephan Eberhard … Basic knowledge of biochemistry, cell biology and genetics. Contact Anthi Karaiskou … Prerequisites Understand basic mathematical operations. Contact Nicolas Tchitchek … biology, human genetics, biochemistry, oncology, etc.). Contact Isabelle Crémer ( …

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Master courses in Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation - Waves and Devices for Advanced Wireless Communication Systems (WaveWiCom) International track

… Prerequisites Antennas, basic electromagnetics, Matlab. Contact Massimiliano Casaletti … Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required) Contact Frédérique Deshours … Antenna array theory, wave propagation and Friis equation. Contact Julien Sarrazin … in-depth study of electromagnetic and radio compatibility. Contact Muriel Darces ( …

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Master courses in Integrative Biology and Physiology - 1st year (M1)

… Prerequisites Bachelors level neuroscience program. Contact Régis Lambert ( … Classes will be split according to English proficiency. Contact Konstantinos Theodorakakos … of cell biology and signal transduction from a receptor. Contact Régine Hepp ( …

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Master 2 courses in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment - Geosciences-Planetology (GEO-P) track

… Marine geophysics training in Villefranche-sur-Mer (France) Contact Damien DO COUTO … sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, geophysical imaging. Contact Elia D’ACREMONT … Climate changes in European basins during the Paleogene. Contact Laurent EMMANEUL … petrology, geochemistry, deformation and rheology. Contact Anne VERLAGUET …

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Master 2 courses in Integrative Biology and Physiology - Neuroscience program

… models, in particular the Drosophila and mouse models. Contact Christelle Rochefort … All the notions are taken from the basics and explained. Contact Christelle Rochefort … -Basic concepts in Neuroscience and cellular biology Contact Christelle Rochefort … Basic concepts in Neuroscience and cellular biology Contact Jean-Christophe Poncer …

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Master in Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate Sciences

… science. Published on 19/11/2019 - Updated on 25/08/2023 Contacts Responsable du Master SOAC Francis CODRON Contact …

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Master 2 courses in Integrative Biology and Physiology - Physiology Human Physiopathologies track

… participants. Prerequisites English language, B2 level. Contact Philippe Lerouzic (   … matrix) and cellular, molecular and tissue study methods. Contact Filomena Conti ( Lung … issues. Prerequisites Fundamental pulmonary physiology. Contact Marie-Noelle Fiamma …

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Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate, Engineering for Space Observations (MOCIS) course

… engineering, spatial data analysis, and fluid dynamics.   Contacts Responsables pédagogiques Guillaume GASTINEAU (M1) …