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Nous avons trouvé 616 résultats pour votre recherche

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Cryptology, High-Performance Computing and Algorithmics (CCA)

… computing) and the MaIn (Mathematics and Computer Science) specialization of the PolyTech Sorbonne engineering … the following two application areas Cryptology: this is the science of secrecy, which includes cryptography -- the art … and numerical reliability: this is the area of computer science concerned with the basic operations of computer …

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Intelligent Systems Engineering (ISI) course

… control of robotic systems, at the interface of computer science, electronics and mechanics. Published on 25/01/2020 … as an apprenticeship, in partnership with the CFA des Sciences. In this case, the student alternates between … Pascale ANTOINE Campus Pierre et Marie Curie Département Sciences pour l'Ingénieur Bâtiment Esclangon, 2 e étage Case …

  • Événement

M&M : Human skeletal muscle from the cellular perspective in vivo and in vitro

… Mackey Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences , University of Copenhagen Learn more Add to my … Mackey Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences , University of Copenhagen Learn more On March 8th … Mackey Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences , University of Copenhagen Learn more … M&M : Human …

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M2 - Second-year Master's degree

… Astronomy, astrophysics and space engineering Materials science and nano-objects Complex systems Optics and Matter … advanced training in physics is highly valued: engineering sciences, environmental and earth sciences, planetary sciences, life sciences. Drawing on the …

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Contact us

… For all information concerning the faculties: Arts Medicine Science and Engineering For any general problem related to … For all information concerning the faculties: Arts Medicine Science and Engineering For any general problem related to …

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Community life

… Community life The Faculty of Health Sciences' associations department can help you put your … community life at Sorbonne University's Faculty of Health Sciences. These include the Tutorat des années supérieures … contact Tél. : 0698552392 Linktree … The Faculty of Health Sciences' associations department can help you put your …

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… guaranteed by the unique alliance between the humanities, science and medicine. Our goal: raise €100 million by the … a broad range of knowledge. So we brought together natural sciences, medicine, the humanities, and the human and social sciences into a single institution that is distinguished by …

  • Article


… Service Unit (MSU) for Data Production and Analysis in Life Sciences and Health (PASS) supports researchers in academic … analyses within the Sorbonne University Faculty of health Sciences The team offers a service through collaboration and … Service Unit (MSU) for Data Production and Analysis in Life Sciences and Health (PASS) supports researchers in academic …

  • Article

Systematics, Evolution, Paleontology (SEP)

… diversity, management of natural heritage and/or computer science, applied to biodiversity. Published on 2/01/2020 - … of fundamental skills in modern concepts and methods in the sciences of evolution, systematics and (paleo)biodiversity. … Holders of a bachelor's degree in biology or geosciences, bi-disciplinarians, who are motivated by the …

  • Actualité

Benjamin Auffret Ends His Diving Career

… Career At only 26 years old, Benjamin Auffret, a computer science student at Sorbonne University and professional … an athlete, Benjamin Auffret completed a degree in computer science at the Faculty of Science and Engineering. In order … … benjamin auffret … sportif de haut niveau … faculté des sciences et ingénierie … natation … Benjamin Auffret Ends …