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Nous avons trouvé 321 résultats pour votre recherche

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Cultural and sporting activities

… Cultural and sporting activities The Faculty of Arts and Humanities gives its community the ability to practise many sporting activities and take part in a wide variety of cultural … gives students the opportunity to practice a sporting activity for free, including traditional sports such as …

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Sports and Cultural Activities

… Sports and Cultural Activities Sorbonne University offers its students a wide range of associative, cultural, artistic and sporting activities. Published on 7/12/2019 - Updated on 20/11/2023 Menu Sports and Cultural Activities Sports Sorbonne University makes sport accessible …

  • Article

Sport activities

… Sport activities Published on 22/11/2019 - Updated on 25/04/2024 Sports activities at the Faculty are offered by the Département des … of Health Sciences, you also have access to the catalogs of activities offered by the Sports Department of the Faculté …

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Complementary activities

… Complementary activities Published on 7/01/2020 - Updated on 5/05/2022 Complementary activities Les missions doctorales In addition to the young … an action plan for Sorbonne University's research activity.  Doctoral candidates assigned to such duties …

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Activity reports

Activity reports Over the past 10 years, the Foundation has … 60 patrons. Published on 8/01/2020 - Updated on 19/12/2023 Activity reports Ten years already... ! An opportunity to … Foundation. … fondation … campagne … levée de fonds … Activity reports …

  • Actualité

Science-society activities: state-of-the-art international practices

… Culture Science-society activities: state-of-the-art international practices On … best practices in the field of science-society activities was presented at SCAI. Published on 25/05/2023 - … best practices in the field of science-society activities was presented at SCAI. … According to Sorbonne …

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Our services and activities

… Our services and activities Published on 16/12/2022 - Updated on 11/03/2024 Our services and activities Physical activities and sports services: More than 80 sporting …

  • Actualité

The Activities of the Alumni Clubs

… Alumni The Activities of the Alumni Clubs Offering a rich program for … at afterwork organised on 30 March and 20 April. … The Activities of the Alumni Clubs …

  • Événement

The forgotten filament: titin’s contribution to active force production in skeletal muscle

… The forgotten filament: titin’s contribution to active force production in skeletal muscle Walter Herzog … 17:00 The forgotten filament: titin’s contribution to active force production in skeletal muscle Walter Herzog … more … The forgotten filament: titin’s contribution to active force production in skeletal muscle …

  • Article

Sports benefit the entire Sorbonne University community

… has a long-standing commitment to the promotion of physical activity and sport, offering its community the best possible … slots and curricular adjustments, the inclusion of sports activities in a qualifying course, involvement in … means to build a system that promotes physical and sports activities. Nearly 80 activities, from leisure to …