Our portraits

Students, doctoral students, researchers, teacher-researchers, doctors, staff, alumni, they are the strength of Sorbonne University.

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Corinne Aubert

First Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Sorbonne University

Diversity is a strength for scientific research.

Camille Lutz

Table tennis player and computer science student

I want to have as much fun as possible if I qualify for the Olympics, because I know that this is how I play my best table tennis.

Théo Bouloudani

A biology student and member of the iGEM 2023 team

Our goal was to find a way to clean up soil with a method using synthetic biology.

Esther Demoulin

Access ERC post-doctoral fellow at Alithila, Université de Lille and recipient of a Chancellery 2022 award

I showed in my doctoral work that the strategies put in place to reconcile the couple and the literary field - [within the Sartre-Beauvoir couple] vary according to the era.

Andric Valdez

First-year PhD student at UNAM, specializing in artificial intelligence

My experience here at Sorbonne University was very fruitful.

Mélodie Richard

Archery champion and student of molecular and cellular biology

Becoming an Olympic champion is my lifelong dream. I've been training for years with this goal in mind.

Julien Laurat

Light tamer and quantum memory specialist

We're at a key stage in the scale-up of quantum technology, but one that can only be achieved by working hard in start-ups.

Jean-Philip Piquemal

Chemist and specialist in quantum computing

The goal of Qubit Pharmaceuticals is to treat people. We are trying to find outlets for our PhD students and to test on a large scale the technology we were developing in the theoretical chemistry laboratory.

Kaspar Ravel

Digital artist and winner of the artist residency

Digital art is a vector to be current and critical

Laurence Devillers

Professor of computer science applied to social sciences

I'm not looking to regulate, but to lay the groundwork for good practice in AI.