Use our services

The Sorbonne University Library offers you practical services to support you on a daily basis throughout your university course.

Use our services

The conditions of access, registration and lending rules vary according to the library, the category of reader and the types of documents considered.

Visiting the library

Access to the libraries of Arts and Science & Engineering is free and free of charge within the limits of their capacity, Sorbonne University students and those of the library’s discipline having priority.

On the other hand, access to certain campuses is subject to authorisation or the presentation of a student or professional card.

Access to libraries in the medical sector is limited to Sorbonne University students and staff and to authorised user categories.

Sign up now

Registration is required to borrow or consult documents for indirect access, and to use the Interlibrary Loan service.
Electronic documentation can also be consulted on site in libraries. Remote access is reserved for members of Sorbonne University.

You are:

  • A student or doctoral student at Sorbonne University: automatic registration.
  • Active or retired Sorbonne University staff: free registration on site, in the library of your choice, as long as you are listed in the University directory.
  • External reader: free or paid registration depending on your situation.

External readers:

  • Science and Medicine: to apply for registration in the science or medicine libraries, please complete this form.
  • Arts: people from outside the Sorbonne University cannot register either at the Michelet Library or at the Marcel-Bataillon Library (except for equivalent readers). Where the registration of external readers is accepted, the issue of a registration card is free of charge for students, teacher-researchers and non-teaching staff in public education. In all other cases, registration for home loan is subject to the payment of a library fee of €35 for 12 months.

Borrowing a document

Home loan is restricted to for registered library users for the current year. Loan rules differ from one library to another, depending on the user's profile and the type of document:

By accessing your reader account, you can check the return dates of the documents you have borrowed and extend any current loans.

To find out the occupancy rate of your libraries in real time, download the Affluences application.

Teaching staff at the Sorbonne University Library will accompany you from the bachelor's degree to the doctorate to train you in information retrieval, digital identity and the creation of profiles on professional social networks.

Tailor-made training courses are also available for teacher-researchers: personalised consultations on demand, help with using online tools, etc.

Through BiblioGuides, the platform of guides and tutorials for Sorbonne University libraries, you can access dozens of educational materials to learn how to master scientific and technical information.

Do you have a specific need, a particular request, would you like to make an appointment with a librarian to benefit from personalised accompaniment?

Contact the Appointment with a Librarian department for an answer.

Some libraries provide you with computer equipment (computers, tablets, headphones, USB keys) and an Internet connection (wired or Wi-Fi). Feel free inquire at your library’s reception desk to benefit from it.

Vous êtes en situation de handicap ou concerné par un empêchement temporaire ? La bibliothèque de Sorbonne Université met à votre disposition des services personnalisés :
  • Des visites guidées individuelles
  • Des rendez-vous adaptés pour une aide à la recherche documentaire
  • Un accompagnement et une aide à l’installation en bibliothèque et dans les box pour les personnes en situation de déficience visuelle ou de mobilité réduite
  • La préparation de colis documentaires
  • Des box individuels pouvant être équipés de matériels spécifiques
  • La communication et la récupération des documents sur les tables
  • Une aide pour les photocopies.

Des rendez-vous individuels avec des bibliothécaires vous sont également proposés : prendre rendez-vous.

Si vous avez des besoins spécifiques relatifs à l'accès aux bibliothèques de Sorbonne Université et/ou aux services qu’elles proposent,n’hésitez pas à vous renseigner auprès des référentes des différents pôles :