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Nous avons trouvé 106 résultats pour votre recherche

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Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers, pioneering scientist

… in Paris, against the advice of his father who refused to finance his studies. In order to support himself, he became …

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The PostGenAI@Paris cluster wins France’s “AI-Cluster” call: an ambitious academic project led by Sorbonne University

… groups), who have committed more than 32 million euros in financing. “PostGenAI@Paris recognizes the AI strategy that …

  • Portrait

Yanis Meziane

… Île-de-France Mécénat. This assistance is very useful in financing my travel between the various places where I work, …

  • Actualité

Protecting Against Cyber Attacks

… of risk quantification. This is mainly in insurance and finance, but we also aim to respond to all of society's …

  • Article

Applying and registering

… 2018. The sums collected ultimately benefit students: they finance campus life projects supported by a list of …

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Engaging in outreach and open science

… who is a civil servant or employee of a structure financed mainly from public funds and published in a …

  • Presse

Qubit Pharmaceuticals and Sorbonne University achieve a major scientific breakthrough by simulating quantum calculations at more than 40 qubits on conventional computers

… implications for sectors such as pharmaceuticals, finance, encryption, and many others. Robert Marino, PDG de …

  • Article

Health and scholarships

… sporting, cultural or humanitarian, any initiative can be financed by the FSDIE. In general, 70% of funds are …

  • Actualité

Berni Hasenknopf: "The next elections will determine whether research and education can continue to develop at the European level.”

… the EU and the Member States, to authorize Europe to finance training programs. This will enable us to propose …

  • Actualité

The stained glass windows of Notre-Dame regain their light

… Museum. Other analyses are in progress. Projects are being financed, such as one devoted to the study of the layer of …