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  • Événement

Pink October 2021

  • Article

M2 - Nuclear engineering course (IN)

… nuclear physics (two half-days, Wilfrid DA SILVA).   Google Agenda. L'emploi du temps du bimestre 2 sera consultable sur … the subject coordinator.   Thematic timetable, via Google agenda . SCR UE list - semester 3 UE1 - Criticality and …

  • Presse

On track for the creation of the IPOS, the new International Panel for Ocean Sustainability

… and its relations with UN bodies are a priority in the IPOS agenda for the coming months. An event devoted to the IPOS …

  • Actualité

In Science or Art, Curiosity is the Driver

… These are always pleasant moments! What’s next on your agenda? K.R.: Now that all the communication and research is …