Reference texts

Doctoral courses and the conditions for issuing the doctoral diploma are governed by the Order of 25 May 2016, which sets out the national regulatory framework. This is the main legal reference text on the doctorate. This section also identifies other reference texts of importance for your doctoral training.

Reference texts

Doctoral contract

The legal reference framework for the recruitment of doctoral candidates in public institutions is the doctoral contract. It guarantees a 3-year fixed-term employment contract (public law) and a minimum remuneration fixed nationally. It allows higher education institutions and public research organisations to recruit doctoral candidates under a single status, regardless of the funding sources.

Contracted doctoral candidates benefit from most of the provisions relating to non-tenured civil servants, particularly with in terms of leave, industrial accidents, training, dismissal and resignation rules. The doctoral contract comes with a 2-month probationary period. It provides for the possibility of dedicating 1/6 of working time to complementary duties (teaching, expertise in a company or local authority, promotion of research or dissemination of scientific information). The doctoral contract is governed by the decree of 23 April 2009, modified in 2016.

National Directory of Professional Certifications

The purpose of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (in French) is to maintain up-to-date information on diplomas and professional designations. The doctorate was included in this directory in 2018. 

Doctoral charter

The Sorbonne University Doctoral Charter, adopted in 2019, defines the principles and values according to which doctoral training at Sorbonne University is conducted. It defines the framework for ensuring a quality approach at the doctoral level. The text describes the respective rights and duties and the reciprocal commitments of doctoral stakeholders in order to ensure this quality approach, and all the key stages of the doctorate are detailed. This charter must be brought to the attention of all researchers and teacher-researchers, doctoral schools and all doctoral candidates. It is signed by doctoral stakeholders at the end of the admission process, before the first registration for the doctorate.

National Charter of Ethics for Research Professions
The national charter of ethics aims to clarify the criteria for a rigorous and honest scientific approach. It concerns all men and women who contribute to research activities, including doctoral candidates who sign this charter when they register.

European Charter for Researchers
The European Charter for Researchers is a set of general principles and basic conditions which set out the roles, responsibilities and prerogatives of researchers, employers and funders. It provides a framework for them to act responsibly and professionally in their working environment and to recognise each other as such. 
It concerns all researchers in the European Union, at all stages of their careers, and covers all areas of research in the public and private sectors. 

Sorbonne University Charter for Open Access to Publications 
Sorbonne University has chosen to become involved in the open science movement with a view to offering everyone free access to the results of its research, to allow each member of its community to apprehend its results, to be more open to national and international collaborations, to contribute effectively to finding solutions to societal issues and to share the fruits of their contribution to public research with the public.