Our portraits

Students, doctoral students, researchers, teacher-researchers, doctors, staff, alumni, they are the strength of Sorbonne University.

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Augustin Brassens

Winner of the "Ma Thèse en 180 secondes" internet user prize

Preparing for MT180 helps break down the apprehension of talking about your subject.

Laetitia Velly

Emergency doctor, doctoral candidate and future entrepreneur

Good ideas come from research

Andric Valdez

First-year PhD student at UNAM, specializing in artificial intelligence

My experience here at Sorbonne University was very fruitful.

Rania Hussain

Doctoral candidate and entrepreneur at heart

I participated in the European path of the Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management diploma. We all worked on real projects, with real-world solutions. It was very encompassing.

Robin Vigouroux

Sorbonne University Doctor and 2021 Chancellor's Award Recipient

This prize is a real scientific and personal achievement. I am extremely proud and honored to have been selected among the winners of the Chancellery of the Universities of Paris Prize, and I thank my thesis supervisors for their support.

Anaïs Abramian

Physicist and Winner of the L'Oréal-Unesco Young Talent Award for Women in Science

Everyone agrees that women should have a place in science, but they remain less present in the highest positions.

Marine Riguet

Digital Humanities Expert

Today, digital technology is redefining not only our research practices, but also everything that makes up our culture.

Hubert Bonnefond

PhD in oceanography and co-founder of the startup company Inalve

The creation of a startup is an amazing adventure where you learn a lot and which is more like a marathon than a sprint