Our portraits

Students, doctoral students, researchers, teacher-researchers, doctors, staff, alumni, they are the strength of Sorbonne University.

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Laurence Devillers

Professor of computer science applied to social sciences

I'm not looking to regulate, but to lay the groundwork for good practice in AI.

Sara Labrousse

Marine biology researcher and synchronized swimmer

Sport has taught me perseverance and not to get discouraged at the first obstacle.

Franck Calard

Alumnus and recipient of Sorbonne University’s Passport to Mobility scholarship

Participating in international mobility enables students and professors alike to open their eyes to fields that were previously unknown to them.

Simon Pouzet

Associate dean student of the faculty of Medicine

I wanted to get more involved in the life of the university and Sorbonne University

Guillaume Leboucher

PhD in molecular biology and co-founder of Labtoo

I have seen how Sorbonne University is recognized worldwide.

Thomas Matagne

Graduate - Master of Science and Environmental Policy

My goal is to make a major societal impact by transforming carpooling into a true public service.

Ilias El Gabli

Student entrepreneur within the Pépite program. Founder of "Trouve ton prof".

José-Alain Sahel

Visionary Ophthalmologist and Professor

Research has no boundaries and should have no boundaries.

Ambre Potier

Alumna of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and winner of the Lépine competition

The idea for Bugless came from our observations of people avoiding holding the bar on the train in Paris.

Joana Desbordes

Student in biology-geosciences-chemistry and top-level swimmer

For me, sports gives a balance to my life. I've always been swimming in parallel with my education. I didn't see myself stopping either one.