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Nous avons trouvé 53 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

Recruitment Campaign for Future Doctoral Candidates

… The Doctorate Recruitment Campaign for Future Doctoral … apply via the online form . The application must be complete to be considered.  Calendar Deadline for applications: 26 April Convocation of …

  • Actualité

2021 Doctorate Ceremony

… Sorbonne University Alliance The Doctorate 2021 Doctorate Ceremony On July 10th, the ceremony … of the event twice. The doctors connected online while the speakers, for the most part, were present in the … of the research community, and David Klatzmann celebrated the culmination of the excellent journeys this …

  • Article

Life as a doctoral candidate

… is a researcher in training. This training is a full-fledged professional experience within a research unit. … their work and any difficulties they encounter. They also learn to position their work in the international scientific … and participate in the institution’s strategic decisions. … doctorat … doctorant … Life as a doctoral candidate …

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Libraries and Workspaces

… The libraries More than 4,000 workspaces are available on all campuses to allow you to work quietly and complete your research. More information . As a member of the …   … doctorant … doctorat … Libraries and Workspaces …

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… for students and to promote the integration of young people with disabilities. Doctors, psychologists, nurses and secretaries are available to help doctoral candidates. Contractual doctoral … contract to carry out their thesis project. … doctorant … doctorat … Health …

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Social Protections

… Social protection is the set of support systems that enables each individual to access social aid throughout his or her life. Because of its level of intervention, Social Security is the heart of … by telephone appointment. Contact  01 44 27 52 99 … doctorat … doctorant … Social Protections …

  • Article

Our doctoral policy

… . They help provide answers and solutions to the main challenges of tomorrow's world, are stakeholders in public and … monitoring and supervision. It guarantees scientific excellence and defines the principles of the doctoral Program as … the director of the doctoral school.   The preparation of a doctorate is part of a defined personal and professional …

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Reference texts

… out the national regulatory framework. This is the main legal reference text on the doctorate. This section also identifies other reference … Reference texts Regulatory texts Doctoral contract The legal reference framework for the recruitment of doctoral …

  • Article

Dispute resolution

… the director of the doctoral school as soon as possible. The doctoral candidate and the supervisor may be heard in a confidential individual interview. The role of the director of the doctoral school (or anyone they … to doctoral courses and the environment in which the doctorate is prepared. Composition of the Dispute Prevention …

  • Article

Digital Tools

… respective school, departments and libraries, for example, depending on the type of connection requested. Doctoral …   Doctoral candidates with no contract Depending on the problem encountered, doctoral candidates should contact the … in their reflections and teaching actions. … doctorant … doctorat … Digital Tools …