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Nous avons trouvé 59 résultats pour votre recherche

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ERC Starting Grant 2024 winners

… from Sorbonne University laboratories have been awarded prestigious funding from the European Research Council. … "DynaMorph" project ( Dynamic control of Gaussian morphing structures via embedded fluidic networks )  - Laboratoire … "DynaMorph" project ( Dynamic control of Gaussian morphing structures via embedded fluidic networks )  - Laboratoire …

  • Structure de recherche

C²MV : Cardiovascular and Metabolic Complications in Patients Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus

… Médecine C²MV : Cardiovascular and Metabolic Complications in … of the Eastern Paris Hospitals, as well as basic research structures in public health and biology at the Sorbonne … +33 1 49 28 24 49 Tutelles Objets de recherche Éditions Revues en ligne Structures de recherche

  • Article

Doctoral Projects proposed in 2022 - Institutes and Initiatives Program

… will arrive soon. Candidates must contact the project leaders in advance. The project leaders are invited to submit … en grandes déformations : applications musicales aux structures Baschet et diffuseurs d’ondes Martenot - Porteurs … et chimie analytique de Paris Centre (ED 388) Projet : A la recherche de molécules organiques complexes: entre …

  • Structure de recherche

Research Unit on Cardiovascular Diseases

… Médecine Research Unit on Cardiovascular Diseases The UMR … diseases. We are also member of the Fédération des Recherches Interdisciplinaires Pitié-Salpêtrière (FRIPS). … bodies Objets de recherche Éditions Revues en ligne Structures de recherche fédératives Écoles doctorales …

  • Structure de recherche

Relations between the nervous system and the respiratory system

… Médecine Relations between the nervous system and the … +33 (0)1 42 16 77 52 Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale | INSERM Sorbonne Université Supervisory … bodies Objets de recherche Éditions Revues en ligne Structures de recherche fédératives Écoles doctorales …

  • Article

Knowledge transfer

… to both societal issues and the needs of industrial stakeholders.  Published on 8/12/2019 - Updated on 28/02/2024 … to enable technologies and projects resulting from research structures to be exploited or marketed. Sorbonne Université … licensing revenues 16 start-ups created (2016 and 2017) … recherche … partenariat … entreprises … Knowledge transfer …

  • Structure de recherche


… Médecine CRG 27 : GRECO Published on 17/03/2020 - Updated on … Principaux équipements Coordonnées Tutelles Objets de recherche Éditions Revues en ligne Structures de recherche fédératives Écoles doctorales …

  • Structure de recherche


… Médecine CRG-TT Published on 22/11/2019 - Updated on … 01 42 16 01 40 Contact by email Tutelles Objets de recherche Éditions Revues en ligne Structures de recherche fédératives Écoles doctorales …

  • Actualité

The “Revolutionary Innovations” of Non-Programmed Research

… Updated on 18/11/2020 Reading time 4 min. Her objective: to structure and promote multidisciplinary research in life … several members of the IPBS pointed out the need to develop interdisciplinary approaches. A conclusion shared by … fields of research.   … biologie … science de la vie … recherche … The “Revolutionary Innovations” of …

  • Article

The Governance Team

… University, an executive body, is composed of the president, the deans of the faculties, the team of vice … for several terms, she co-directed the Programme de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur le Théâtre et les Pratiques … takes into account the strategy of all of the institution's structures. It ensures that the decisions made include a …