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Nous avons trouvé 53 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Événement

Three-Day Course on Computational Psychiatry

… this is open to Sorbonne University students and associate professors.   Add to my calendar 12-05-2022 23:01 14-05-2022 … this is open to Sorbonne University students and associate professors.   Heidelberg, Germany From May 12th to May 14th …

  • Actualité

A research team, made up of 4EU+ Alliance members, has won a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant

… in science and industry. In addition to Dr. Butter, Prof. Bertrand Laforge and Dr. Bogdan Malaescu (all three researchers at LPNHE), Prof. Gérard Biau and Dr. Xavier Fresquet from the Sorbonne …

  • Actualité

Sorbonne University and IIT Delhi Seal their New Strategic Partnership

… President for Global Engagement & Diplomatic Affairs and Professor Alexandre Escargueil, Coordinator of the … June 5 to 8, hosted by Dean of International Programs, Prof. James Gomes and Indo-French Campus Coordinator, Prof. …

  • Événement

Opening conference - Lithuania and France : a distance neighbourhood – a shared experience

… (2018-2023) Organizational Committee Marija Drėmaitė , professor, Vilnius University Artūras Vasiliauskas , doctor … University French Institute Vilnius University Speakers Prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas was inaugurated as Rector of …

  • Actualité

An RHU project links artificial intelligence and oncology

… thanks to multimodal approach is coordinated and led by Prof. Magali Svrcek, Department of pathology, Saint-Antoine … Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, AP-HP. Sorbonne Université, and Prof. Xavier Tannier, Professor of Computational Sciences, …

  • Structure de recherche

Institut de la Vision

… de la Vision The Vision Institute (SU/INSERM/CNRS) led by Prof. Picaud aims at understanding the basics of our vision, … Publications … The Vision Institute (SU/INSERM/CNRS) led by Prof. Picaud aims at understanding the basics of our vision, …

  • Portrait

Nicolas Villain

… Institute to study biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease led by Prof. Kaj Blennow, a world leader in Alzheimer's disease … d'Alzheimer at Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, directed by Professor Bruno Dubois, while carrying out research projects …

  • Événement

NAD+ metabolism in cancer- and chemotherapy-induced cachexia

…   Contacter par courriel Fabio Penna Associate prof. @ dept. of Clinical and Biological Sciences, … cancer as a systemic host disease. … Fabio Penna Associate prof. @ dept. of Clinical and Biological Sciences, …

  • Article

Expanding Interdisciplinarity

… that’s already in place or to host internationally renowned professor-researchers for a specific period of time. Each … on the work called for, the means necessary and the profile of its recipient. It can be funded by either one or …

  • Article

Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi

… why. As Vice Chancellor of Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi Prof Silvia Serrano comments: Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi … to Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi From the Vice Chancellor Prof. Silvia Serrano, Vice Chancellor of Sorbonne University …